3 Kommentare Gib deinen ab

  1. You got me into a meditative state with this, Silvia Dearest. Thank you.
    Ann’s words “a garden of trust” could beautifully describe your place here, in which we can be breathing in love, breathing out gratitude. :) Leon

  2. annwjwhite sagt:

    True love will grow, will argue, will change, will cause tears, will cause smiles, will cause rage and anger, will give forgiveness. It will never stale. Sometimes it must be renewed. Sometimes it must be reminded. Sometimes it will go walkabout. But it will return. You just need to wait a little bit, things will be okay. Just remember that people change as they progress through life, and one must accept with an open heart, those changes. True love doesn’t fade, it grows with the fertilizer of time.

    (The exception is realizing that true love will never hurt others, it will never act violently, and it must be planted in a garden of trust.)
    Guten Tag, meine Freunde.

    1. Thank you, my friend. You just made me cry with a smile …. thank you.

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