5 Kommentare Gib deinen ab

  1. Michele Lee sagt:

    Pretty pastel and golden morning sky. 💛 Happy spring to you! 🌼

    1. diespringerin sagt:

      Colors are everywhere if you see them. But I miss the Sonoran Sky, I admit … nothing can compete with that, nothing! Happy spring to you, Michele, from heart! 💗💫

      1. Michele Lee sagt:

        Yes, and it isn’t it wonderful! Most every place has its own charm, but yes, there is something special about Sonoran skies. I love knowing that you have the special connection. 🏜️ Thank you, from the heart. 🥰🙏🏻🌵

      2. diespringerin sagt:


  2. Mindsplint sagt:

    Bild1 ist der HAMMER!!! 😍

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