5 Kommentare Gib deinen ab

  1. Just a few thoughts about security and freedom…There is nothing like the freedom most people think we have, it is a myth, still in order to maintain our sanity and our society we must live as if we have free will. Freedom is a game of the imagination. Imagination is what stands between us and A Brave New World. As for security, it is a necessary evil in a world where so many minds are poisoned by the lies of religion, politics and race. In a world where human is pitted against human for basic necessities security becomes a proxy for freedom. When security becomes the freedom you seek you are ready for The Brave New World.

    1. Yes, Ron. But … as we are able to imagine … there MUST be freedom, after all. But … it’s different to the things we can imagine just as love starts where expectations find their limits … and love jumps over the fence into the wild land. And no. It’s not romantic. It can be very fierce, can’t it?

  2. Freiheit und sicherheit. Das ist ein interessantes thema worüber viel gedacht und geschrieben ist :-)

    1. Sogar an Häuserwände :o) ! – Beides kostbares Gut, und ich glaube, Sicherheit gibt es nur, wo es echte Freiheit gibt. Aber was bedeutet das schon „echte Freiheit“ ;o) …. ? Herzliche Grüße!

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